The Connecticut Water Environment Association (CTWEA) began its existence in 1966 under the name Connecticut Water Pollution Abatement Association and the Connecticut Association of Water Pollution Control Authorities. In 2018, the two organizations worked collaboratively to provide influence and advice to the CT Legislature for certain critical issues facing the Wastewater industry. In 2022, our wastewater managers, operators, consultants and vendors joined together and merged the organizations to form CTWEA. CTWEA is a locally focused organization that is aligned with the regional and national clean water organizations, New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) and Water Environment Federation (WEF) respectively. Our legislative advocacy, education events and professional programs continue to unite Connecticut's wastewater professionals to promote sound public policy.
More than 55 years after its creation, CTWEA continues to grow and advance knowledge, encourage communication, and enhance community within the Connecticut wastewater profession.